Hello! I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I'm sure everyone watched the Oscars. All except me. I didn't watch them for two reasons. One, I don't have TV, so I would have had to go somewhere to watch them. Two, I really don't care about all that actor stuff. All I care about is whether or not the movie is good. (They never give Oscars to the good movies anyway. With the exception of Lord of the Rings....The only reason I know LOTR won is because my sister was following it last year.) Anyway, I just don't really like actors for some reason. I mean, I have never been one before, but from what I see, they seem so fake. I mean how can you be in the real world with tons of money and huge amounts of fame. It is sure to go to your head! Plus, it seems like they have relatively few responsibilities. They could pay someone to do anything-or that person might even pay the actor! :<)
So, I have no idea who won or what was up for nominations or anything. I only know three things that went on because of my sister and mom. One, Chris Rock was the MC. Two, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" was one of the nominations, And, three, an actress with the first name of Kate was nominated. That shows how little I know.
Well, chao! I hope you enjoyed the Oscars more than I did!