Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Superbular, Stupendous, Sweet Day

Hola to all! I hope you are all having stupendous, superbular days. Today, once again, I had school. I had an impromptu speech in-well, in speech class. It really sucked. I wish that is all I could say about it, but then I would be betraying all of you by not giving you the "scoop". Okay, my stupendously stupid topic was "A time you hit the jackpot". Dumb, huh? Well, since I am not old enough to win the jackpot, I told about some time this lady gave me five bucks when I was little and to me, that was like hitting the jackpot. Okay, so anyway, in this superbular speech, I managed to tell everyone they were old. Whoops! I said something along the lines of "You guys are probably too old to know what [something I was talking about] is". Well, they all laughed, I got red in the face, in flustered. And, yet again, I had been had by speech class. Well, another speech, another try, right? Argh!

Since I didn't write yesterday, I have to tell you what I got in the mail!! It is so totally sweet. I am doing a speech (why does speech class have to work it's way into everything?) on edible insects. I wanted a prop type thing, so I ordered bug suckers off the net. They are AWESOME! One has a larvae in it and the other has a cricket. What kind of sicko would eat this stuff without a dare? Not me! If you are interested in this buggy stuff, check out this website. It is stupendous.