Tuesday, February 22, 2005

People Observing

Have you ever just sat and observed people? It can prove to be a very interesting endeavor! I have a lot of time to do it in my classes. I'm sitting listening to lecture and I get to just watch people. There are some that don't take notes and just sleep-literally! They lay their heads on the table and take a cat nap. No one has ever started snoring before. That would be quite amusing though!

Then there are the people that are.......trying to be intellectual. They are the ones that constantly ask stupid questions starting with the following: "What is your opinion on the social trends...." or "How did this event influence..." I don't mind questions, but these are ones intended to make yourself look-intellectual. And these people ask twenty in one class period. Argh! These same people also like to try and start debates about non-debateable stuff-like peanut butter. JK :<)

Then the one other group of people I like to observe-or listen to-is the talkers. They are the ones that have a running commentary throughout the lecture. Usually, I don't mind it, but today I was actually the one someone was talking to. Oh, man! That was SO irritating! I couldn't concentrate and I was also afraid the teacher would tell us-or her-to shut up. (Or something along those lines.)

Another great place to people watch is malls. There are SO many weird and interesting people there. I wonder if someone is watching me right now. Uh-oh. Ahhhh! I feel a bunch of eyeballs staring at my back........