Monday, September 11, 2006

My Summer

I am two weeks into summer, and I realize I never went back and summarized my summer. Kind of assessed the good things and the bad. What can I do differently and what wouldn't I change for the world? I'll start with May for today. Dig out my notebooks and try to remember what life was like at that point in time. I'll try to post some pics later. I am having some problems with Hello. Anway, what a summer! Quite a few firsts and some major struggles. But I think I came out of it closer to God which makes everything else fade away in comparison.

I started out with graduating. Finally technically graduating. I actually hadn't really homeschooled in two years, but, hey, the cap and gown was nice. I guess I never realized how much of a big deal it was until three sets of grandparents came from all over the country. So many people were so happy for me. I guess I didn't realize how much work four years of highschool really is. :) What a great experience. I loved the cap and gown. Oh, and that graduation money was pretty nice too. :)

I think the trouble started when I turned 18. I was under the impression I had complete control of my life. Forgot what an idiotic idea that could be. Had some heart issues that grew up to be pretty big problems throughout the summer. Once again though, at the end of it all, I ended up a lot closer to God and that is what mattered. I didn't do much to celebrate the advent of adulthood. Had a sweet party, got my ears pierced a few times. However, I lost my picture ID, so it took a while for me to be able to do much. Anyway, I came to the realization that when I was little and looked up to all these 18 year olds, thinking they were amazingly mature, I was sadly mistaken. :) I still feel so small much of the time. I think the difference with being an adult is the need to step out and overcome those fears. It is important to do what it takes to grow as a person and in God. As an adult, I had to learn how to strike out in the responsible and right thing to do. I guess I had a few misconceptions....

More later. Time to do homework. Chao!