Wednesday, February 01, 2006

To Continue...

All right, to continue. As I was saying, I feel like dating is 1) not a wise way to spend my time 2) a committment I am not ready to make, and 3) laying a foundation for failure later. Okay, I talked about the first two, so now I will talk about the third one. I feel like dating-in the way it is traditionally done-is a way to train for failure. Whenever a guy and a girl feel like things are not working out or they are not getting along, they just break up. Maybe they do not like personality, maybe there was a big fight, or maybe they just don't like each other's hair. Whatever it is, the two people generally are not working things out. I believe this is exactly the opposite of what should be done. To get ready for marriage, two people need to practice working things out. Even though things are hard, the couple should try to get through it together and come out stronger. If one does not learn how to do this, divorce seems to a lot "easier"-or a solution the two might come to sooner.
So, if I have concluded all this about dating, what the heck am I doing instead? No, I am most certainly not at home doing nothing. You might think I sit at home on Valentine's Day and pig out on chocolate and watch stupid romance movies. Uh-uh. I have decided on something else.

Tell God you are ready to be offered, and God will prove himself to be all you ever dream He would be.
Oswald Chambers

I delight to do Thy will, O my God. Psalm 40:8

To be continued...
Sounds ominous, huh?