Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fabulous Friday!!!!!

Yeah, I'm excited. It has been a great week, but a little hectic.

Today in math class, my teacher brought a 2-liter bottle-no, jug-of Pepsi. He was taking swigs of it throughout lecture. Ha ha! He's hilarious! He started defending himself after the first drink-but not because of the size. It was because he had off brand rather than real Pepsi. Classic!

Pippin IV's reign was indeed short. He sadly died today. *Moment of silence*........Okay, that's good. I feel bad, but it's a fish. :) Emily and I think it is because he was sick, not because of something I did. Tommorrow, I will go see if the pet store will replace him-a Pippin V.

My frog, on the other hand, is superb. He eats like crazy! A few crickets a day. I love to watch him. The first time I dropped them in, he pounced on them like lightning. A little leg or antennae usually sticks out after he does, but he gets it eventually. I guess I am a glutton for violence. Frog violence. :)

Have a great one!

Oh, and I have been tagged.
Four Jobs You’ve Had:
1. Working for my Dad-Hayden Tile
2. Babysitting
3. Driving Emily bonkers.
4. Driving my Mom bananas.

Four Places You’ve Lived:
1. Canon City, Colorado
2. California
3. Kennewick, Washington
4. Penrose, Colorado

Four Vacations You’ve Taken:
1. California
2. Pennsylvania
3. Washington-To visit old friends
4. West Virginia-for camp

Four Vehicles You’ve Owned:
1. Well, I don't really own it, but it is a 91 Jeep Cherokee

I tag Josh, Sarah, Rabenstrange, and MVB.