Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Soccer Injuries

Oooh, I forgot to share my fun experience with you all. Okay, so the third to last game or so of soccer last season, I had an awesome injury. A girl of the opposing team and I basically collided. I did a backflip out of the field essentially and hurt my wrist. Sprain, fracture, who knows. So, I wore a brace for a while, then just forgot about it. Or tried to. It has really been acting up lately. So, I went to the chiropractor and they said I have a bone out of line. So, I was hooked up to electricity-seriously. Supposedly, it relaxes muscles. My fingers were vibrating so much, I was basically making nasty gestures unwittingly. :) Ooops. Anyway, then I had my joints pulled on. I even got the classic neck twist. I didn't like it. I felt clicks and-anyway, it was odd. So, then I had the wrist wrapped and iced it. I went again yesterday, and then I go again tommorrow. I just want it to feel better. I think it is work that aggravates it. However, it will not stop me from playing soccer! I actually just got onto an adult team a few minutes ago. Woopee! More sprained bones here I come! :)