Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Bano Story

Okay, so there isn't one of those tilde things-or I don't know how to find it-so this looks dumb. I'm trying to write something in Spanish. Anyway...

I was at the vet's office today. This guy with a very thick Hispanic accent comes in. He speaks English, but not very well. He needed a Coggins on some horses (A health certificate for those of you who don't know and could also care less.). Anyway, he has this cute little kid with him. He was like a mini Mexican cowboy. Forgive the proverbial political uncorrectness. Hey, the kid was cool! He had a huge belt buckle greased black hair, cowboy boots, and a button up shirt. The vet is out in the trailer drawing blood for the tests. The little boy who only speaks Spanish says something along the lines of "Papa, blah blah blah blah bano blah blah blah". Now bano means bathroom, so I just assumed the poor kid needed to, well, go. So, his "Papa" says, "Blah, blah, blah, blah". Suddenly, the kid runs over to the stocks and pulls his pants down. And starts going to the bathroom. Ah! Is that socially acceptable in Mexico? I guess at least he was a little five year old...An interesting day for sure!

Oh, and I know have a myspace since everyone else in the world does. Check it out at