Saturday, January 07, 2006

5 Weird Things About Myself

I was tagged by Virginia, so here I go.
Uno: One of my pet peeves is open cupboards.
Dos: I don't understand most other people my age.
Tres: Someday I want to see baby sea turtles hatch, because once on Reading Rainbow I saw an episode turtles.
Quatro: I can't stand wet socks-like when you step in a puddle in the kitchen. I absolutely MUST change them before life can go on.
Cinco: I like the smell of dirt.

Okay, so that is about all I could think of. I was drawing quite a bit of a blank.

I can't believe it. The class I worked my whole entire schedule around-journalism-has been cancelled. I got a call at 1:30 yesterday, saying it was. I didn't have time to go in and change stuff and fix books, because they were closing. Needless to say, I am irritated and frustrated. But I guess that it is God's will. Even though I'm still stressed....:)