Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Nothing Highly Exciting

Hola! I just finished working on some research for that anthropology project I was talking about. For our project, my partner Vidi (Does that have anything to do with that Latin quote?) thought we should do the project where we come up with a science fiction world and have different types of people. We were thinking herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. We would have a catastrophic event happen-a volcano and see how the different groups react. Could be interesting. Who knows.

I want to post an interesting thing that Rabenstranger said about my post on the stupid sociology theories. Here it is: "
Your sociology text book is obviously written from what as the "behaviorist" perspective of psychology.

According to behaviorist theory, the mind is an illusion and humans, like all other animals, act in a preprogrammed manner to stimuli.

While the behaviorist perspective is very effective in predicting short term and other specialized circumstances (such as addictions) it falls hopelessly short when it attempts to rationalize advandced concepts unique to humans such as love, creativity and markets.".

Well, have a nice day.