Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Quiz

This took me FOREVER, so I hope you all really appreciate it....Whatever. :)

Where I was born: Self explanatory I hope.

My favorite food-Sloppy Joes. Except the ones I eat look NOTHING like this. And the pickles aren't that color either. Neither is the plate....

Shoes I Like: CONVERSE!!!!

Favorite ice cream: Is it technically ice cream or not. Hmmm....

A good smell: Fresh sheets!

Favorite song: "Summer of '69" by Bran Adams. I so need to get this CD.

Another good smell: Outside after or during rain.

Favorite TV show: Full House. So out of date, because I haven't had TV since like I was seven.

Where I grew up. Half here and...

Half here...Canon City

Favorite drink. OJ!!