Monday, May 23, 2005

Writing on Monday for Tuesday

I want to be sure and write a post for tommorrow, so I am writing it the night before-Monday. I am such a dork! :) I have to leave for work at 6:30 tommorrow, so I certainly won't have time to do it before then.

Random thought: Grapes are awesome. Little balls of yumminess. You stick them in your mouth, bite them, and they literally explode (Okay, so maybe not literally.) And then this awesome sour tangy juice comes out. I love grapes....

I'm bushed. Isn't that a funny word. I just wanted to use it. Yeah, I really am bushed. I had a killer swim practice. We swam like a jillion laps. (And, no, I will not insert "literally".) We were working on distance training, so that's why. I got home and I hardly felt like walking in the house. I just dragged my feet and collapsed. After I ate dinner of course. Sloppy joes. Mmmmm!

You know what stinks? We have to buy a new team suit when last year's was perfectly fine. And it costs $40.00. What a stupid waste of money! I wore last year's team suit for only like three or four meets. That means I only wore it six or eight times. Wow...

Well, I better dash. It is time for me to snooze. Have a nice day...or night...or whatever.