Thursday, May 19, 2005

Half Fun, Half Disappointment

Crazy me went to the midnight showing of Star Wars. It started at 12:15 and we got there at like 8:30. Talk about boredom! We did all kinds of interesting things to keep ourselves busy-which I'll get to in a minute. The picture above is us at the theatre. Obviously. My sister and her friend are the ones that are in the Sith costumes. It is too bad you can't see it a little better. They had face makeup on and everything. I'm the one in the cargo pants looking at nothing.

Anyway, if I just talked about the movie, I would have to say it was a disappointment! I mean, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but no matter what planet you are from, there is a little anticipation involved. Expectations were not met! The acting (Hayden Christiansen and Ewan McGregor) sucked big time. This is a Star Wars movie, not Sesame Street! The special effects were jaw dropping. In a bad way. Like, as in "Is this a joke?". And the story line was not like totally shocking and exciting as I expected it to be.

One part that was fun was before we got in-the four hours before we got in. We did all kinds of stuff. Like play card games, make designs with an eyeliner on each other's faces, talk, and all that good stuff. I think the best part was watching people. You could totally tell who was the hard core people. I am sure they had been there since like 5 or 6 in the evening. They looked like gamers, and all they talked about was video games and science fiction movies. Then there was the highschoolers just ready for an opportunity to stay out late. One guy took off his shirt and waved in the air and ran down the line of people yelling something along the lines of "Let's go! This is it! We're ready!". So, yeah, that was interesting. Oh, man! A policeman even came over just to check that everything was okay. I mean, there was so many people on Main Street at eleven at night that he just wanted to check things out. :<) The best part was the reporter! He took our picture (so maybe we'll be in the paper) and he was asking people if they had anything to say about the movie. (As a sidenote, I thought that might be a cool job. A reporter. Hmm, I should consider that one again.)

So, yeah, all in all, the movie was dumb, but the before part was fun. Ha ha! That rhymed. I am so proud of myself....