Friday, May 20, 2005

A Friend

According to the dictionary, a friend is "1. A person whom one knows likes, and trusts. 2. An aquaintance. 3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; comrade."

Famous examples of friends:
Sam and Frodo- "For the Quest is acheived, and now all is over. I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam."
David and Jonathon- "And Jonathon made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again, for Jonathon loved David as much as he loved himself."
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis-Both were members of the Inklings, a literary discussion group. They were very close friends.

I have always been the type of person that struggled with making friends. I am what people would call a "wall-flower". I often think I'm invisible because sometimes people literally don't realize I'm there. But I have realized that it is okay. That is how God made me. For some reason. :) All of these things make it really hard for me to make friends. And because of this when I lose friends, I guess I crash and burn.

Anyway, a few days ago something really hard with friends happened. I guess you could say I stood up for someone and some of my friends didn't really appreciate it. It was really hard for me. And it made me ask myself some questions. Questions like Why do I even try?, Why do people always let me down?, Will I ever find a REAL friend?.
It took me a while to realize a few things. First, I realized that friends come and go. There are very few people in the world that have those friends they've had since like preschool. That only happens in the movies. :)

Second, I realized that I have people in my life that are awesome friends. Sometimes I just go so focused on dumb things that I forget it. First and foremost is God. Think about it. Since when will God ever leave you or forsake you? Who wouldn't want a friend that can move mountains and someone who specifically created you? Seriously. Then there's my Mom. She is a way cool friend. She's always been there for me. And she always has the patience to deal with me...and my antics. She would have to be my best friend. I just forget these things because I get so caught up.

So, even though it has been a hard few days, some really cool things have come out of it. I've been spending more time with God, because I just am really feeling like I need to hang out with Him. Obviously, God has taught me some things through this time spent with Him. So, some good things have definantly come out of the hard stuff.