Thursday, October 26, 2006


So, there is a blizzard warning in the weather. I woke up...No snow. Maybe it will hold over until tonight. Then I don't have to go to school tommorrow. You don't know how happy I would be! So, I am still off to the vet's office and school. What if I get snowed in at school? What an adventrue that would be. Maybe we would have to burn chemicals in the chem lab to stay warm. Maybe it will be the end of the world like that one movie....Okay, I'm going a little wacko now.

Okay, so I have another song I am liking. It is a rediscovered favorite.

i didn't hear you say you're sorry
the fault must be mine
i wish you all the best of luck at
finding somebody more like you

you said you'd love me always truly
i must have changed
'cause you don't need me like you used to
i hope you find somebody more like you

i hope you finally find someone someone that you trust
and give him everything
i hope you meet someone you height so you can see eye to eye
with someone as small as you

you came out of nowhere and made me smile then tore me in two
saying we're very different people so dear
i hope you find somebody more like you
i hope you find somebody more like you

Edit: I JUST RAN TEN MILES!!! I am very excited and hyper right now. :)

Okay, so I just want you to hear the song. I don't really care for what they put it too. Although I do like this movie! :)

Hopefully this is the last time I edit this post. I have decided to undertake a new "gain a new skill attempt". When I say my next sentence, make a sincere attempt not to laugh your head off or fall off your chair....I am going to learn how to cook. Seriously. I don't really get home early enough during the week to do much, but on the weekends, I am going to attempt. I can make pie, casseroles, chicken and dumplings, baked potatoes, but I really have not tried to do a whole lot. So, this is my next adventure: cooking! This may be the craziest one I've had yet. :)