Friday, December 05, 2008


So, with the official last attendance of class happening this afternoon-YAY!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!-comes studying for finals. Well, the continuation of studying for finals. I generally find myself at this point in the semester-a time most critical for studying-to be in the least mood for it. Some examples of my excuses so far:
-I have not checked Facebook for a whole 30 minutes. I really need to check it.
-I know I ate like 20 minutes ago, but I wonder if there are any good snacks in the cupboard.
-My 3 ring binder just bit me. I'm suing someone and not studying anymore.
-Theoretically, I should know all this already. Why study?
-Why do I need to graduate again?
-My highlighter is out of juice. Oh well...
-Staring off into hour later....oh, bummer, guess I better go to bed....
-Oh!!! I haven't blogged today. That was the most recent one I suppose. ;)

Well, I am certain that the next 6 days and 18 hour will fly by. No, I am not counting. Soon enough I will walk out of my last final and be on to the next challenge. I am excited to see what God has in store for this next season of life. I feel as if I have learned that I truly am not capable of doing something on my own. The only way I got through these last four years was by His grace and strength. I have also grown so much in these last two and a half years in Pueblo. I can hardly believe it flew by so fast, and I wouldn't have traded this period of time for the world. :)
