Monday, February 12, 2007


Hola to all!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding (feelings); in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
So, I've seriously messed up in this area. Following feelings has gotten me in trouble; put me into a selfish me mindset. Trying to remember that the point of this life is to glorify God in all that I do. So, many of my actions have not been of that venue lately. Which produces not only trouble for me but trouble for others. So, I am resolving to change some things-specifically certain relationships. Any prayer for wisdom and self discipline would be appreciated!

So, Carly, Patricia, and I are discussing our plans for Valentine's Day. We are all going to try and get the night off to celebrate Singles Appreciation Day (SAD). This is my 18th anniversary year. Something to be celebrated....Yes, of course. Someday I will not celebrate SAD and probably be quite happy about it, but for now, it should be fun. Who knows what we will do. How about paintballing and good food later. That sounds like fun! Maybe I'll suggest it. :)
