Monday, August 21, 2006

It's Getting Closer

I only have a week left until I start. Hooray! :) I went down to campus today and got my physics books and student ID. I still have to get one more book, but the class isn't until Thursday, so it's no biggie. I have spent about $650.00 on books. Isn't that despicable? I even did a few used. Not many, but as much as I could. :) I believe it is a conspiracy. We don't need all the new editions for one. And, two, what is it with the packaged sets. It makes it so much harder to buy used! Oh, well, I'll survive. I'm just happy to be starting school. I have gotten a new mindset. Rather than worry about where I am NOT, I am thankful for where I AM. I am blessed with a job that allows me to graduate with no student loans and I am really hoping that I will also be able to do some missions work over the summer. I will be able to afford it. Now that isn't to say I am not still practically dying to go to College of the Ozarks, but I am just trying to think more positively about the now.

Praises: I found carpool buddies for at least one of the days and possible even two or three. Crossing my fingers....This would mean that I would only have to come up with $50.00 a week for gas and my Compassion Child. A little more if I ever want to buy ice cream, clothes, or puzzles ever again, but I am just looking at the bare minimum right now. :) I'll consider food later.

So, as I said, I went to the university today to finish up some textbook buying. It was hilarious, because there was a freshman orientation (Yay, I'm not a freshie. Somehow I've always bypassed that status....) and some freshmen in the bookstore getting books. The thing I thought was amusing was the fact that they all had their parents with them. One guy who looked like a former football player was tagging along behind his Mom while she picked out all his textbooks for the year. :) Yeah, my Mom went with me when I started taking classes as a junior, but at least I picked out my own books. I am just glad that I was able to take college classes in a more laid back environment and get used to things there before I went to an actual university. Now all I am hoping is that this will be the stepping stone for Missouri. :)