Friday, November 04, 2005


Ah! I had the weirdest experience of my entire short life. Well, it seems long to me, but when I consider my parents....just kidding! Seriously, Mom I am kidding. :) Anyway, to start out, I ended up going to this Taste of Home cooking school thing. And before you start cracking up, let me explain. My friend's Mom called and asked my Mom if she wanted to go. Her daughter was going too (which I later found out, she didn't know she was going. Oops.) Anyway, I thought I would go to hang out with my Mom and friend. So, I did. I think we were the youngest ones there. I felt very out of place with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles jacket and bright green Vans. Well, my friend and I had fun just joking around and all that good stuff. We got shushed a few times. Ooops. The best part though was when we went to ice cream afterwards. I'd go through ten cooking schools just to have ice cream. :) Have a great weekend!