Monday, March 07, 2005

Funny Story

Okay, so maybe I will be the only one that will think this is funny, but I thought I would tell it anyway.

At band practice last week, me and some of the "band members" :<) were talking. Somehow we got onto the subject of muscles. You know high school guys and their...egoes. Well, this ninth grade guy decided to show us his muscles. He was like, "Yeah, I've been weight lifting and playing foot ball". So, I was expecting something pretty darn good. He lifted up his shirt sleeve and....nothing. Needless to say, I accidentally snickered. I mean how could someone consider those muscles? So, in order to cover up my "slip" I had to say something nice. So, I mumbled, "Cool". So, now he thinks I like his muscles. Darn!

So, now I am trying to think of a way to get him to stop thinking that. My idea was to show off my muscles. :<) I work with my Dad and I do a lot of lifting, so I actually have some good ones. But then again, why undermine that dude's male ego?