Saturday, December 08, 2007

Needed a study break. So, thought I would blog. Funny story that happened last week.

So, I am laying on my bed-you'll never guess-studying. Anyway, I am facing the window, reading through my notes. All of a sudden I feel as if eyes are burning holes in my back. Now this is odd as I live with one lady who was in the living room watching TV. My door wasn't even open, so I was at a loss. After mulling this over in my mind, I decided to turn around. I look at my desk, and my frog is in his cage, propped up on his water bowl, completely staring at me. I swear he was looking right at me. He wasn't blinking-frogs can't :)-and there were no signs of moving except for his throat. Needless to say I was a little disconcerted. How creepy was that? Well, I sort of forgot about it until the next day I felt the same feeling, looked over, and realized he was doing it AGAIN. My Dad came up with the following conclusions: this frog is actually a prince merely waiting to be kissed, thus the infatuation with me. My conclusion: he is really bored and needs a froggy companion. I am leaning towards the latter for the sake of my lips. :)

