Monday, September 10, 2007

The Big Oops

So, my running worry since I started going to "public school" is that my alarm won't go off and I will sleep through a class. I almost did this morning. Usually I leave about 6:50 to get to my 8 o'clock class. This morning I was happily snoozing when my roomie comes in and says-"Danika, do you know it is five until seven". I have never jumped out of bed quicker in my life. Oh, great, I'm going to be late! In order to get to pick up my carpooling friend and still get to school in time, I got ready in record time. Of course yesterday was the one day of my life I chose not to take a shower. I had to take one this morning or I would have stunk all day. I literally took a 2 minute shower. I was out of the house by 7:02. I got ready and out to the car in seven minutes! I can still feel it. I believe I won't fully wake up today....That really made for an interesting morning. It was a good thing I packed a lunch last night and set my backpack and library of textbooks by the door, ready to go. :) Another Monday morning in which I almost bombed, but got through it. Woo hoo!
