Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm loving it! No, not MacDonald's. :) Summer! It has been great to get my summer plans underway. I have been having a blast with my free time. I have read a ton, worked on some art stuff, messed around with my guitar, and read some more. I never have so much free time. It is great! And not to mention hanging out with friends. Usually I have homework hanging over my head, so it doesn't really work out.

I recently finished reading "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Honestly, I thought it really stunk. His writing was extremely disjointed and he did not develop characters well at all. For me, a book must have good characters. That is what makes a good piece of literature. Just an opinion though...So, I wouldn't really reccommend it. Read "1984" instead. Or "Animal Farm". Oh, I loved that book! :)

Okay, so I am wondering about "Harry Potter". What does everyone think of them? So often I hear bad stuff about them-they are from the Devil! :) People say there are real witchcraft symbols in them. The same people say they are way different than "Chronicles of Narnia" because in the Harry Potter books evil triumphs over good. Is that true? Do the Harry Potter books really have actual symbols of witchcraft in them? If anyone has examples, it would be mucho appreciato! :) Thanks for input!