Friday, April 01, 2005


Well, I don't really have much to say today. My week has been fairly uneventful-except for when I froze my tongue to a flag pole and had to get it surgically removed....Okay, so I'm just trying to make it sound like I actually did something exciting when the exact opposite is true.

Let's see, I did school and LOTS of homework, I had art lessons, I volunteered at the vet's office for a few hours, I did more school, I worked (I FINALLY finished grouting this gargantuan shower I'd been working on for DAYS. Hooray!), I started a cool candy cane puzzle which is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be, I went to the library and got a jillion (literally) books on slavery for a term paper I'm writing, I got some flippin' sweet summer clothes (flood pants and these cool...uh-DARN! What were they called. They were these long shorts, khaki, hmmm. If my Mom reads this she'll remind me of what they were called), I ate a Nerds Rope (good candy!), I ate at McDonalds right after hearing about that gross story where a family satisfying their appetites found a real finger in their chili (I kept thinking about that as I munched on my yummy cheeseburger. Needless to say, I didn't mention anything to my Mom. She might have barfed, and I couldn't handle that. I might not have been able to finish my french fries.), I played hooky from youth group because I didn't feel like watching the talent show they were doing and I had lots of homework anyway, and I also wrote one really huge run-on sentence. So, that is my week condensed into one sentence. Are normal people's lives usually condensed into one sentence? Hmm, what a thought.

Well, have a good weekend! I am off to see if I can manage to put like five more pieces together on my puzzle and also put some medicine on my tongue. It still hurts.