Wednesday, April 06, 2005

An Excellente Book

I just finished reading The Short Reign of Pippin IV by John Steinbeck. I loved it! It is basically a political satire on France, although America is brought into it a little too. All of the political factions (including Christian Atheists, Christian Christians, Left Centrists, and Center Centrists :<)) after being unable to decide on a direction that France should take, have the bright idea of establishing a monarchy. Again. So, they choose to put Pippin, an astronomer, on the throne. Basically, he hates it. He realizes how stupid the politics all are, and wishes he could go back to observing his comets. Eventually, Pippin decides "what the heck?". He gives a speech about how stupid everything is (His speech is more articulate). In the end the government is in an uproar and Pippin finally gets to go home because he was dethroned. Ah, there is nothing like a good ending.