Monday, April 02, 2007


Back to school today. I am ready to bust out this last 20 days/5 weeks of classes. Let's do it!

I am purposing to be more diligent in my commitments. I have gotten rid of a few committments that I was unable to be completely dedicated to, so that I can focus on fewer better.
1. Sunday school
2. Bible study Wednesday night
3. School-study more in between classes and at night
4. Vet's office once a week
5. Thursday night bible study when I have the time
6. Running/training for triathlon more diligently

Thank God for cancelled classes. This means I have a three hour break before my chemistry lab. I intend to go to Circuit City to see if I can get a part to get a CD player in my car and also study. I have a genetics test on Wednesday that I completely do not feel prepared for, calculus homework that will be due soon, and a lab writeup to do.
